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Join Kirby Minnick, a social media superstar, as she encourages, preaches, and acts out how we should live as Christians.

I Was Making These Mistakes When Reading The Bible

I Was Making These Mistakes When Reading The Bible

It's time to set some godly goals for 2024 and have a renewed and Spirit-filled vision! In today's video, I walk you through how I made my Prayer Board and how you can too!! Let's be purposeful, prayerful, and prioritize Jesus this year! FREE 14 DAY DEVO HERE: THE BIBLE RECAP: ————— 🎥VIDEO PODCAST: 🎙️AUDIO PODCAST: ✨INSTAGRAM: 🪩TIKTOK: 🤩WANT ME TO SPEAK AT YOUR CHURCH, EVENT, CONFERENCE, OR CAMP?… Contact me here➡️ 💌 For business inquiries, reach out to me at ————— ✨ABOUT ME✨ My name is Kirby Kelly and I am a 26-year-old Christian Content Creator! I love to travel, preach, and teach about the Christian Faith, create fun and engaging content and resources, and impact the lives of women around the world! I have been creating content online for over 10+ years! I graduated with honors from DBU in 2019 with my BA in Communications and Minor in Biblical Studies, and I recently graduated with honors from DBU in 2023 with my Masters in Theology! I currently live in Dallas, TX with my amazing husband, Richard, and we love to create content together for my YouTube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Christian Podcast called Bought + Beloved which is an Audio + Video Podcast! You can stream it on all Podcast platforms or check out the YT channel @boughtandbelovedpodcast —————— 🕥TIME STAMPS🕑 0:00 intro 0:59 read your Bible with a plan and structure 3:45 you need to know the context 4:15 my top 3 favorite study Bibles 5:58 3 commentaries you need! 7:00 the translation you use matters! 7:53 exegesis vs isegesis 10:25 knowing God intimately vs intellectually 13:06 questions, prayer requests, and your input! —————— Kirbyisaboss, Kirby Kelly, Kirby Minnick, christian girl, christian vlog, christian YouTuber, christian advice, bible study, faith related videos, christian advice, christian relationships, holy girl, that christian girl, bought and beloved podcast, bible study tips, Prayer board, how to make a prayer board, how to make goals with God, Prayer room, prayer board, Christian advice, Christian tips, prayer board, vision board, godly vision, godly goals, holy habits, god's word, old testament, new testament, bible journaling, how to read the bible, how to study the bible, bible study, study bible
Healing From Hurt and Processing Your Pain || LET'S LIVE FREE!

Healing From Hurt and Processing Your Pain || LET'S LIVE FREE!

How do we heal, grow, and process the pain we go through and the hurt other people cause us in life? Do we dwell in anger, bitterness, and seek vengeance? Do we forgive or just let it go? Here are 5 steps to healing and releasing those mistreating you so you can live in freedom! FREE 14 DAY DEVO HERE: FORGIVENESS VIDEO: ————— 🎥VIDEO PODCAST: 🎙️AUDIO PODCAST: ✨INSTAGRAM: 🪩TIKTOK: 🤩WANT ME TO SPEAK AT YOUR CHURCH, EVENT, CONFERENCE, OR CAMP?… Contact me here➡️ 💌 For business inquiries, reach out to me at ————— ✨ABOUT ME✨ My name is Kirby Kelly and I am a 26-year-old Christian Content Creator! I love to travel, preach, and teach about the Christian Faith, create fun and engaging content and resources, and impact the lives of women around the world! I have been creating content online for over 10+ years! I graduated with honors from DBU in 2019 with my BA in Communications and Minor in Biblical Studies, and recently graduated with honors from DBU in 2023 with my Masters in Theology! I currently live in Dallas, TX with my amazing husband, Richard, and we love to create content together for my YouTube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Christian Podcast called Bought + Beloved which is an Audio + Video Podcast! You can stream it on all Podcast platforms or check out the YT channel @boughtandbelovedpodcast —————— 🕥TIME STAMPS🕑 0:00 intro 0:18 acknowledge your pain and allow God in 2:57 release resentment and revenge 5:42 trust that God will handle it 7:22 take the steps necessary to heal and grow from the situation 10:04 pray for them, good good to them, bless them, and love them like Christ —————— Kirbyisaboss, Kirby Kelly, Kirby Minnick, grad school, grad school vlog, graduation vlog, grwm, christian girl, christian vlog, christian YouTuber, christian advice, bible study, faith related videos, christian advice, christian relationships, holy girl, that christian girl, bought and beloved podcast, bible study tips, dbu, dallas baptist university, christian university, theology, ministry, christian education, biblical worldview, faith based youtuber, female preacher, theology, healing, worship, god, church, dating, relationship, Christian dating, godly dating, Christian advice, Christian love, bible study, bible study tips, bible journaling, quiet time
7 Holy Habits to Strengthen Your Relationship with God

7 Holy Habits to Strengthen Your Relationship with God

It's a new year, a new season, and a new fresh chance to deepen your relationship with God by implementing spiritual disciplines and holy habits that will benefit you for all of 2024! Be challenged, get excited, and run the race with joy, expectation, and new life! FREE 14 DAY DEVO HERE: ————— 🎥VIDEO PODCAST: 🎙️AUDIO PODCAST: ✨INSTAGRAM: 🪩TIKTOK: 🤩WANT ME TO SPEAK AT YOUR CHURCH, EVENT, CONFERENCE, OR CAMP?… Contact me here➡️ 💌 For business inquiries, reach out to me at ————— ✨ABOUT ME✨ My name is Kirby Kelly and I am a 26-year-old Christian Content Creator! I love to travel, preach, and teach about the Christian Faith, create fun and engaging content and resources, and impact the lives of women around the world! I have been creating content online for over 10+ years! I graduated with honors from DBU in 2019 with my BA in Communications and Minor in Biblical Studies, and recently graduated with honors from DBU in 2023 with my Masters in Theology! I currently live in Dallas, TX with my amazing husband, Richard, and we love to create content together for my YouTube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Christian Podcast called Bought + Beloved which is an Audio + Video Podcast! You can stream it on all Podcast platforms or check out the YT channel @boughtandbelovedpodcast —————— 🕥TIME STAMPS🕑 0:00 intro 0:21 see the SON before the SUN 1:55 give God your first because He is first 3:39 fasting and praying 6:27 simplify your life and cultivate gratitude 9:16 stewarding your time and resources for the Kingdom 10:57 rhythms of rest for endurant running 13:07 gather in unity with Godly community 16:20 grab the FREE devotional I made for YOU —————— Kirbyisaboss, Kirby Kelly, Kirby Minnick, grad school, grad school vlog, graduation vlog, grwm, christian girl, christian vlog, christian YouTuber, christian advice, bible study, faith related videos, christian advice, christian relationships, holy girl, that christian girl, bought and beloved podcast, bible study tips, dbu, dallas baptist university, christian university, theology, ministry, christian education, biblical worldview, faith based youtuber, female preacher, theology, healing, worship, god, church, dating, relationship, Christian dating, godly dating, Christian advice, Christian love, bible study, bible study tips, bible journaling, quiet time
These Tips Helped Me Become More Christlike!

These Tips Helped Me Become More Christlike!

As we enter in to a New Year, let us dedicate our lives, hearts, and minds to looking more like JESUS in everything we do! Whether you are ready for a new season of fresh beginnings or need renewal in a specific area of your life, this video will give you the 3 step method to walking in renewal and having the mind of Christ, as a new creation! FREE 14 DAY DEVO HERE: ————— 🎥VIDEO PODCAST: 🎙️AUDIO PODCAST: ✨INSTAGRAM: 🪩TIKTOK: 🤩WANT ME TO SPEAK AT YOUR CHURCH, EVENT, CONFERENCE, OR CAMP?… Contact me here➡️ 💌 For business inquiries, reach out to me at ————— ✨ABOUT ME✨ My name is Kirby Kelly and I am a 26-year-old Christian Content Creator! I love to travel, preach, and teach about the Christian Faith, create fun and engaging content and resources, and impact the lives of women around the world! I have been creating content online for over 10+ years! I graduated with honors from DBU in 2019 with my BA in Communications and Minor in Biblical Studies, and recently graduated with honors from DBU in 2023 with my Masters in Theology! I currently live in Dallas, TX with my amazing husband, Richard, and we love to create content together for my YouTube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Christian Podcast called Bought + Beloved which is an Audio + Video Podcast! You can stream it on all Podcast platforms or check out the YT channel @boughtandbelovedpodcast —————— 🕥TIME STAMPS🕑 0:00 intro 1:00 what does it mean to renew your mind? 2:20 do not conform to this world 5:38 put on the new self daily 8:36 I made a devotional on renewal for you FOR FREE! 9:29 set your mind on things above 11:27 we are not perfect... but JESUS is! —————— Kirbyisaboss, Kirby Kelly, Kirby Minnick, grad school, grad school vlog, graduation vlog, grwm, christian girl, christian vlog, christian YouTuber, christian advice, bible study, faith related videos, christian advice, christian relationships, holy girl, that christian girl, bought and beloved podcast, bible study tips, dbu, dallas baptist university, christian university, theology, ministry, christian education, biblical worldview, faith based youtuber, female preacher, theology, healing, worship, god, church, dating, relationship, Christian dating, godly dating, Christian advice, Christian love, bible study, bible study tips, bible journaling, quiet time
Reading Scripture For All It's Worth!

Reading Scripture For All It's Worth!

Hey, friends!! Today we are talking about 10 questions you should always ask when studying the Bible! If you don't know how to read or understand the Bible, desire to apply God's Word to our everyday lives practically, or want to know God at a deeper level, THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU!! Comment down below any helpful Bible Study methods YOU know! :) ————— 🎥VIDEO PODCAST: 🎙️AUDIO PODCAST: ✨INSTAGRAM: 🪩TIKTOK: 🤩WANT ME TO SPEAK AT YOUR CHURCH, EVENT, CONFERENCE, OR CAMP?… Contact me here➡️ 💌 For business inquiries, reach out to me at ————— ✨ABOUT ME✨ My name is Kirby Kelly and I am a 26-year-old Christian Content Creator! I love to travel, preach and teach about the Christian Faith, create fun and engaging content and resources, and impact the lives of women around the world! I have been creating content online for over 10+ years! I graduated with honors from DBU in 2019 with my BA in Communications and Minor in Biblical Studies, and recently graduated with honors from DBU in 2023 with my Masters in Theology! I currently live in Dallas, TX with my amazing husband, Richard, and we love to create content together for my youtube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Christian Podcast called Bought + Beloved which is an Audio + Video Podcast! You can stream it on all Podcast platforms or check out the YT channel @boughtandbelovedpodcast —————— 🕥TIME STAMPS🕑 0:00 intro 1:19 Question 1 2:41 Question 2 3:51 Question 3 4:40 Question 4 5:31 Question 5 6:11 Please Remember This! 6:33 Question 6 7:44 Question 7 8:56 Question 8 10:22 Question 9 11:10 Question 10 13:33 Let Me Know Your Bible Study Tips! —————— Kirbyisaboss, Kirby Kelly, Kirby Minnick, grad school, grad school vlog, graduation vlog, grwm, christian girl, christian vlog, christian YouTuber, christian advice, bible study, faith related videos, christian advice, christian relationships, holy girl, that christian girl, bought and beloved podcast, bible study tips, dbu, dallas baptist university, christian university, theology, ministry, christian education, biblical worldview, faith based youtuber, female preacher, theology, healing, worship, god, church, dating, relationship, Christian dating, godly dating, Christian advice, Christian love, bible study, bible study tips, bible journaling, quiet time
Christians Podcasts That Will Grow Your Faith!

Christians Podcasts That Will Grow Your Faith!

I love to listen to podcasts and consume content that grows me in my faith, edifies me in my walk with Jesus,a nd encourages me all the while correcting me! Here are some of my favorites along with my own podcast: Kirby's Podcast: Tara Sun's Podcast: Jeanine's Podcast: Caden's Podcast: Cultish Podcast: Emma Mae's Podcast: Mike Winger's Podcast: Tara Leigh's Podcast: Nick & Chelsea's Podcast: ————— 🎥VIDEO PODCAST: 🎙️AUDIO PODCAST: ✨INSTAGRAM: 🪩TIKTOK: 🤩WANT ME TO SPEAK AT YOUR CHURCH, EVENT, CONFERENCE, OR CAMP?… Contact me here➡️ 💌 For business inquiries, reach out to me at ————— ✨ABOUT ME✨ My name is Kirby Kelly and I am a 26-year-old Christian Content Creator! I love to travel, preach and teach about the Christian Faith, create fun and engaging content and resources, and impact the lives of women around the world! I have been creating content online for over 10+ years! I graduated with honors from DBU in 2019 with my BA in Communications and Minor in Biblical Studies, and recently graduated with honors from DBU in 2023 with my Masters in Theology! I currently live in Dallas, TX with my amazing husband, Richard, and we love to create content together for my youtube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Christian Podcast called Bought + Beloved which is an Audio + Video Podcast! You can stream it on all Podcast platforms or check out the YT channel @boughtandbelovedpodcast —————— Kirbyisaboss, Kirby Kelly, Kirby Minnick, grad school, grad school vlog, graduation vlog, grwm, christian girl, christian vlog, christian YouTuber, christian advice, bible study, faith related videos, christian advice, christian relationships, holy girl, that christian girl, bought and beloved podcast, bible study tips, dbu, dallas baptist university, christian university, theology, ministry, christian education, biblical worldview, faith based youtuber, female preacher, theology, burnout, overwhelmed, anxiety, anxious, exhausted, workaholic, joy, tired, creativity, inspiration, forgiveness, lust, apathy, spiritual growth, discipline, impatience, peace, people pleasing, fear of god, fear or man, purity, pride, freedom, how to forgive, trauma, healing from trauma, pain, hurt, healing, worship, god, church, dating, relationship, Christian dating, godly dating, Christian advice, Christian dating advice, Christian tips, godly marriage, purity, pursuing, healthy boundaries, Christian love


How do you know if they are "THE ONE" and does the idea of "THE ONE" actually exist? Should me and my partner agree on all things faith? What about healing from past relationship trauma and learning to trust God and dating again? I can't wait to answer all of these questions on Christian dating and relationships and to give you all context, hope, and some perspective on all of this AND MORE!! Watch PART 1 here: Watch my FORGIVENESS VIDEO here: Buy "LOVE THAT LASTS" here: Buy "MARRIAGE MINDED" here: ————— 🎥VIDEO PODCAST: 🎙️AUDIO PODCAST: ✨INSTAGRAM: 🪩TIKTOK: 🤩WANT ME TO SPEAK AT YOUR CHURCH, EVENT, CONFERENCE, OR CAMP?… Contact me here➡️ 💌 For business inquiries, reach out to me at ————— ✨ABOUT ME✨ My name is Kirby Kelly and I am a 26-year-old Christian Content Creator! I love to travel, preach and teach about the Christian Faith, create fun and engaging content and resources, and impact the lives of women around the world! I have been creating content online for over 10+ years! I graduated with honors from DBU in 2019 with my BA in Communications and Minor in Biblical Studies, and recently graduated with honors from DBU in 2023 with my Masters in Theology! I currently live in Dallas, TX with my amazing husband, Richard, and we love to create content together for my youtube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Christian Podcast called Bought + Beloved which is an Audio + Video Podcast! You can stream it on all Podcast platforms or check out the YT channel @boughtandbelovedpodcast ————— 🕥TIME STAMPS🕑 0:00 intro 0:47 the importance of share values and beliefs 3:20 having the same mission vs having the same calling 5:20 overcoming relationship trauma and learning to trust God's will 8:37 fear of commitment and the purpose of dating 10:46 how to know if they are "the one" —————— Kirbyisaboss, Kirby Kelly, Kirby Minnick, grad school, grad school vlog, graduation vlog, grwm, christian girl, christian vlog, christian YouTuber, christian advice, bible study, faith related videos, christian advice, christian relationships, holy girl, that christian girl, bought and beloved podcast, bible study tips, dbu, dallas baptist university, christian university, theology, ministry, christian education, biblical worldview, faith based youtuber, female preacher, theology, burnout, overwhelmed, anxiety, anxious, exhausted, workaholic, joy, tired, creativity, inspiration, forgiveness, lust, apathy, spiritual growth, discipline, impatience, peace, people pleasing, fear of god, fear or man, purity, pride, freedom, how to forgive, trauma, healing from trauma, pain, hurt, healing, worship, god, church, dating, relationship, Christian dating, godly dating, Christian advice, Christian dating advice, Christian tips, godly marriage, purity, pursuing, healthy boundaries, Christian love
GODLY DATING ADVICE: 5 Essential Tips for Christian Relationships (PART 1)

GODLY DATING ADVICE: 5 Essential Tips for Christian Relationships (PART 1)

It's time for an honest conversation about Christian dating, relationships, marriage, and how to navigate it all! You asked, and I answered in this week's video. So let's dive into discussing healthy and holy boundaries, what it looks like to pursue and be pursued, the importance of a shared faith, and so much more! ————— 🎥VIDEO PODCAST: 🎙️AUDIO PODCAST: ✨INSTAGRAM: 🪩TIKTOK: 🤩WANT ME TO SPEAK AT YOUR CHURCH, EVENT, CONFERENCE, OR CAMP?… Contact me here➡️ 💌 For business inquiries, reach out to me at ————— ✨ABOUT ME✨ My name is Kirby Kelly and I am a 26-year-old Christian Content Creator! I love to travel, preach and teach about the Christian Faith, create fun and engaging content and resources, and impact the lives of women around the world! I have been creating content online for over 10+ years! I graduated with honors from DBU in 2019 with my BA in Communications and Minor in Biblical Studies, and recently graduated with honors from DBU in 2023 with my Masters in Theology! I currently live in Dallas, TX with my amazing husband, Richard, and we love to create content together for my youtube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Christian Podcast called Bought + Beloved which is an Audio + Video Podcast! You can stream it on all Podcast platforms or check out the YT channel @boughtandbelovedpodcast ————— 🕥TIME STAMPS🕑 0:00 intro 1:05 how to trust God's timing and wait for a relationship 4:47 what are healthy boundaries for a Christian relationship? 7:40 family faith backgrounds and sharing the same beliefs 9:45 financial wisdom and mentally preparing for marriage/relationships 13:07 who does the pursuing in a Christian relationship and what does this look like? —————— Kirbyisaboss, Kirby Kelly, Kirby Minnick, grad school, grad school vlog, graduation vlog, grwm, christian girl, christian vlog, christian YouTuber, christian advice, bible study, faith related videos, christian advice, christian relationships, holy girl, that christian girl, bought and beloved podcast, bible study tips, dbu, dallas baptist university, christian university, theology, ministry, christian education, biblical worldview, faith based youtuber, female preacher, theology, burnout, overwhelmed, anxiety, anxious, exhausted, workaholic, joy, tired, creativity, inspiration, forgiveness, lust, apathy, spiritual growth, discipline, impatience, peace, people pleasing, fear of god, fear or man, purity, pride, freedom, how to forgive, trauma, healing from trauma, pain, hurt, healing, worship, god, church, dating, relationship, Christian dating, godly dating, Christian advice, Christian dating advice, Christian tips, godly marriage, purity, pursuing, healthy boundaries, Christian love
7 Things That Are Hurting Your Relationship With God (and How to Heal From Them!)

7 Things That Are Hurting Your Relationship With God (and How to Heal From Them!)

Do you feel stagnant in your relationship with God? Distanced? Like something is just "off" or needs mending? Perhaps one of these 7 things is effecting your relationship with God: lust, pride, apathy, unforgiveness, people-pleasing, disobedience, or impatience! Luckily, I know just the thing to redeem, heal, and restore each of those struggles so you can grow in your faith, your relationship with God, and confidence in His calling for your life! Bible Basics For Beginners: How To Forgive Those Who Hurt You: ————— 🎥VIDEO PODCAST: 🎙️AUDIO PODCAST: ✨INSTAGRAM: 🪩TIKTOK: 🤩WANT ME TO SPEAK AT YOUR CHURCH, EVENT, CONFERENCE, OR CAMP?… Contact me here➡️ 💌 For business inquiries, reach out to me at ————— ✨ABOUT ME✨ My name is Kirby Kelly and I am a 26-year-old Christian Content Creator! I love to travel, preach and teach about the Christian Faith, create fun and engaging content and resources, and impact the lives of women around the world! I have been creating content online for over 10+ years! I graduated with honors from DBU in 2019 with my BA in Communications and Minor in Biblical Studies, and recently graduated with honors from DBU in 2023 with my Masters in Theology! I currently live in Dallas, TX with my amazing husband, Richard, and we love to create content together for my youtube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Christian Podcast called Bought + Beloved which is an Audio + Video Podcast! You can stream it on all Podcast platforms or check out the YT channel @boughtandbelovedpodcast ————— 🕥TIME STAMPS🕑 0:00 intro 0:55 pride vs humility 4:10 fear of man vs fear of God 7:45 lust vs purity 11:08 disobedience vs obedience 13:12 apathy vs discipline 15:59 unforgiveness vs forgiveness 17:25 impatience vs patience —————— Kirbyisaboss, Kirby Kelly, Kirby Minnick, grad school, grad school vlog, graduation vlog, grwm, christian girl, christian vlog, christian YouTuber, christian advice, bible study, faith related videos, christian advice, christian relationships, holy girl, that christian girl, bought and beloved podcast, bible study tips, dbu, dallas baptist university, christian university, theology, ministry, christian education, biblical worldview, faith based youtuber, female preacher, theology, burnout, overwhelmed, anxiety, anxious, exhausted, workaholic, joy, tired, creativity, inspiration, forgiveness, lust, apathy, spiritual growth, discipline, impatience, peace, people pleasing, fear of god, fear or man, purity, pride, freedom, how to forgive, trauma, healing from trauma, pain, hurt, healing, worship, god, church
How I Forgave The Person Who Hurt Me Most...

How I Forgave The Person Who Hurt Me Most...

If you are feeling restless, exhausted, and like your motivation and light is extinguished... THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU, FRIEND! You can overcome and beat the burnout you're facing, and I have 5 easy and ready-to-apply tips for you! YOU GOT THIS! ————— 🎥VIDEO PODCAST: 🎙️AUDIO PODCAST: ✨INSTAGRAM: 🪩TIKTOK: 🤩WANT ME TO SPEAK AT YOUR CHURCH, EVENT, CONFERENCE, OR CAMP?… Contact me here➡️ 💌 For business inquiries, reach out to me at ————— ✨ABOUT ME✨ My name is Kirby Kelly and I am a 26-year-old Christian Content Creator! I love to travel, preach and teach about the Christian Faith, create fun and engaging content and resources, and impact the lives of women around the world! I have been creating content online for over 10+ years! I graduated with honors from DBU in 2019 with my BA in Communications and Minor in Biblical Studies, and recently graduated with honors from DBU in 2023 with my Masters in Theology! I currently live in Dallas, TX with my amazing husband, Richard, and we love to create content together for my youtube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Christian Podcast called Bought + Beloved which is an Audio + Video Podcast! You can stream it on all Podcast platforms or check out the YT channel @boughtandbelovedpodcast ————— 🕥TIME STAMPS🕑 0:00 intro 0:49 forgiving the person who hurt me 1:54 what we don't understand about forgiveness 2:42 the forgiveness of God 4:28 when they don't seem to care about the hurt they caused 6:30 what does the Bible say about forgivness? 8:39 every Christian needs to hear this 10:56 sitting in your pain won't start the healing 12:10 this video is for the One and for the one —————— Kirbyisaboss, Kirby Kelly, Kirby Minnick, grad school, grad school vlog, graduation vlog, grwm, christian girl, christian vlog, christian YouTuber, christian advice, bible study, faith related videos, christian advice, christian relationships, holy girl, that christian girl, bought and beloved podcast, bible study tips, dbu, dallas baptist university, christian university, theology, ministry, christian education, biblical worldview, faith based youtuber, female preacher, theology, burnout, overwhelmed, anxiety, anxious, exhausted, workaholic, joy, tired, creativity, inspiration, forgiveness, freedom, how to forgive, trauma, healing from trauma, pain, hurt, healing
Stop Being Lukewarm In Your Relationship With Jesus!

Stop Being Lukewarm In Your Relationship With Jesus!

These are 5 things that helped me go from lukewarm to thriving in Christ! If you are wanting to build a stronger relationship with God and deepen your faith in Christ as a Christian, then this video is for you! :) JULIA'S VIDEO + CHANNEL: ————— 🎥VIDEO PODCAST: 🎙️AUDIO PODCAST: ✨INSTAGRAM: 🪩TIKTOK: 🤩WANT ME TO SPEAK AT YOUR CHURCH, EVENT, CONFERENCE, OR CAMP?… Contact me here➡️ 💌 For business inquiries, reach out to me at ————— ✨ABOUT ME✨ My name is Kirby Kelly and I am a 26-year-old Christian Content Creator! I love to travel, preach and teach about the Christian Faith, create fun and engaging content and resources, and impact the lives of women around the world! I have been creating content online for over 10+ years! I graduated with honors from DBU in 2019 with my BA in Communications and Minor in Biblical Studies, and recently graduated with honors from DBU in 2023 with my Masters in Theology! I currently live in Dallas, TX with my amazing husband, Richard, and we love to create content together for my youtube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Christian Podcast called Bought + Beloved which is an Audio + Video Podcast! You can stream it on all Podcast platforms or check out the YT channel @boughtandbelovedpodcast ————— 🕥TIME STAMPS🕑 0:00 intro 0:37 God needs to be a priority in your life 2:54 cut out distractions and bad relationships 5:12 you need to be consistent in your relationship with God 8:20 the benefits of prayer journaling 10:11 silence and solitude are spiritual disciplines 13:15 go check out my friend Julia Petersen —————— Kirbyisaboss, Kirby Kelly, Kirby Minnick, grad school, grad school vlog, graduation vlog, grwm, christian girl, christian vlog, christian YouTuber, christian advice, bible study, faith related videos, christian advice, christian relationships, holy girl, that christian girl, bought and beloved podcast, bible study tips, dbu, dallas baptist university, christian university, theology, ministry, christian education, biblical worldview, faith based youtuber, female preacher, theology, burnout, overwhelmed, anxiety, anxious, exhausted, workaholic, joy, tired, creativity, inspiration, forgiveness, freedom, bible study, bible journaling, bible time, how to read the bible, how to study the bible, prayer and fasting, bible journaling, lukewarm, growing in christ, relationship with christ
I Swapped My Screen Time with Bible Reading

I Swapped My Screen Time with Bible Reading

What if instead of reaching for my phone, I reached for my Bible... and read it for 7+ hours!? My amazing friend @HowtoFaithALife inspired me to challenge myself with replacing screen time for Bible study! Join me and see what I learned, what I read, and everything that went down! Faith's Original YT Video: ————— 🎥VIDEO PODCAST: 🎙️AUDIO PODCAST: ✨INSTAGRAM: 🪩TIKTOK: 🤩WANT ME TO SPEAK AT YOUR CHURCH, EVENT, CONFERENCE, OR CAMP?… Contact me here➡️ 💌 For business inquiries, reach out to me at ————— ✨ABOUT ME✨ My name is Kirby Kelly and I am a 26-year-old Christian Content Creator! I love to travel, preach and teach about the Christian Faith, create fun and engaging content and resources, and impact the lives of women around the world! I have been creating content online for over 10+ years! I graduated with honors from DBU in 2019 with my BA in Communications and Minor in Biblical Studies, and recently graduated with honors from DBU in 2023 with my Masters in Theology! I currently live in Dallas, TX with my amazing husband, Richard, and we love to create content together for my youtube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Christian Podcast called Bought + Beloved which is an Audio + Video Podcast! You can stream it on all Podcast platforms or check out the YT channel @boughtandbelovedpodcast ————— 🕥TIME STAMPS🕑 0:00 intro 0:40 I was convicted about my screentime 0:57 my average screentime... SHOCKING 1:34 commentaries, the book of judges, and starting off strong 2:32 let's strat the timer 2:50 the pattern we see in Judges 4:40 I was not expecting to read THIS in the Bible 6:15 let's go to the coffee shop 8:16 migraine attacks and reading the Bible 9:59 the most tragic story I've read 12:26 switching up the vibe for the last hour of reading 13:14 what I learned from this challenge —————— Kirbyisaboss, Kirby Kelly, Kirby Minnick, grad school, grad school vlog, graduation vlog, grwm, christian girl, christian vlog, christian YouTuber, christian advice, bible study, faith related videos, christian advice, christian relationships, holy girl, that christian girl, bought and beloved podcast, bible study tips, dbu, dallas baptist university, christian university, theology, ministry, christian education, biblical worldview, faith based youtuber, female preacher, theology, burnout, overwhelmed, anxiety, anxious, exhausted, workaholic, joy, tired, creativity, inspiration, forgiveness, freedom, bible study, bible journaling, bible time, how to read the bible, how to study the bible, prayer and fasting, bible journaling
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